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ALDEA FELINA - Donaciones: Sabadell IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725 BIC: BSAB ESBB XXX

We need volunteers! Join our team and make a difference among like-minded people.

The saying "more hands make light work" was never so true! With so many cats in need of help, and people looking for advice, our job is ever more demanding. From working hands on with the cats, to raising funds, corresponding with the town halls and governments, advising people who have questions or educating the public - there is always some good to be done.

You, like us all, gain skills in life that make you perfect for at least one of the cat supporting tasks below. Ask yourself: would you like to spend meaningful time creating positive footprints for the benefit of animals? Feel the difference, giving more than yourself and become a friend of Aldea Felina.

Volunteering is worthwhile, fulfilling and fun. All the Friends of Aldea Felina welcome you with open arms.

♥ Shelter carers
Daily care for our cats waiting for their new home; feeding, cleaning and playing with them. We need 365 days a year, a rotating shift of cat lovers, come rain or shine.

♥ Street carers
Monitoring, feeding and catching cats, for castration or due to sickness. Join our group working to reduce the suffering of kittens born in the street.

Foster families
Caring at home for cats and kittens needing care, socialising or recuperation, both short and long term. Great for those who travel or don't want a pet full time.

♥ Shop assistant
We have a very successful 2nd hand shop, were 100% of the income goes straight back into paying for Association running costs. Meet and greet, organise the displaying and promotion of our stock. An integral part of our fundraising.

♥ Leave a memory
After your passing, donating to Aldea Felina supports our vital work and injects new funding into our association, helping us improve and do more. Donations in the form of money is the fundament of our work and our second hand shop also benefits from items we can sell to raise funds. The content of a property also generates funds for us.

♥ Public relations & social media
Updating the world on the success and progress of our association is paramount to the support and understanding of our work. Our website, Facebook and advertising products need to be constantly updated. A good understanding of MO Word and the ability to learn new our CMS (Content Management System) for our website are basic skills needed to do this work.

♥ Advice Helpline
We have a helpline to assist with questions and advice. If you have the skill to diplomatically converse with people in the name of our association and to our guidelines, this is a great job. A basic knowledge of computer skills is also required for this position.

♥ Education and Fundraising
Organising opportunities to promote animal welfare and understanding of cats in the community. With awareness and understanding, many of us can do more to help. Being proactive brings so much more pleasure than waiting for a problem to appear on your doorstep and then thinking “What shall I do?”. With this in mind, we need people to go out into the community (schools, residential groups etc) and encourage them to be more hands on, dealing with situations before they turn into a stressful problems. Giving a short talk to a small group at a coffee morning or visiting a school or college, brings quickly and easily basic important information about animal protection to the public. Also exhibiting Aldea Felina at local events, building awareness and collecting donations is a successful way to interact with the community.

♥ Donation Tins, Flyers and Posters
Visiting local shops, dentists, supermarkets, vet clinics and similar, placing and collecting our donation tins, distributing our flyers and posters advertising our work and cats ready for adoption.

♥ Supplies Collection & Transport
Sometimes that journey to a supplier or the vet is not possible because we cannot stretch ourselves so thin. Also the collecting or delivering of items for our shop is needed.

♥ Fly & Drive Carer
We have support and adoptions from people living outside of Spain. When we have the opportunity to find a new home for one of our cats abroad, having carers to drive or fly with them gives them the chance they would otherwise miss.

♥ Handyman/woman
Our shelter is in constant need of repair and renewal. Handwork and gardening skills help our cats to stay safe and our volunteers to do their job easier.

♥ Translator
Our association includes volunteers of many nationalities. Translating to and from Spanish/English ensures the basis of our texts are reaching our readers. German is also spoken often. If you can translate with these languages get in touch.

For many of the jobs no costs are involved, only your time, skills and love for cats. Should costs be incurred, for example petrol or motorway tolls, reimbursement is offered.

Due to our multi-national association, the basic languages spoken are Spanish and/or English. We have volunteers of other nationalities but to ensure good communication, we ask for at least one these of a minimum.

If you are interested to know more or wish to join our volunteers please email us:

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