Cats Lost and Found
Please take a good look at the following cats - do you know any of them?
If you do recognise one of them please get in touch, using the contact information given in the individual message. It is a very stressful time for both the owner and cat, so the sooner all can be reunited the better!
If you have lost your cat, or you find a cat who looks lost, please use the button below, fill in the form and send us a message. We will post the information on this page and keep our fingers crossed for a happy ending.
Ensure you fill in all the details as well as possible and upload a good quality picture. We will post the information for a maximum of 12 weeks. If you have lost your cat and he/she returns home, please reply to our email and let us know, so we can remove it from our website, thank you.
Only postings sent via this form will be posted on the page to keep the administration to a minimum. Please do not write to us via Facebook, Messenger or Whatsapp with information for this webpage. You are welcome to share the page to help others find their cat or join in the search.
- All categories (14)
- Perdido/ Lost/ Verloren (10)
- Encontrado/ Found/ Gefunden (4)