A successful food collection campaign 2021 – thank you to everyone who participated!

Given the great success of our first food collection campaign in 2020, we decided to organise it again this year. Every weekend in August we were at the supermarket Carrefour in Portal de la Marina shopping center, meeting and greeting our friends, and we feel very lucky to have enjoyed so much support.
We are able to provide for our cats, through your donations with: 465 kgs of dry food, 105 kgs of wet food and 175 kgs of cat litter. We also received cleaning products and rubbish sacks, along with a total cash of 156,00 €, which enables us to buy more things our cats need while in our care.
Thank you to Colonias Felinas de Godella
We would like to thank the association Colonias Felinas de Godella who sent us a generous donation of 50 kgs of food at the beginning of August, through César and Ana. And, as you can see in this photo, our chief cat, who lives in our shelter, is also very grateful.

Teamwork makes a difference!
Another thank you to a group of friends who clubbed together and bought all this food and litter for our cats. Such great reasons to be part of something special and make a difference in the world. Thank you for your kindness!

Thanks to these results we have enough food to feed the Street cats in our care until the end of the year.
These types of campaigns can only work if everybody chips in. This is not the work of only one person but of many. From the volunteers that have given their time and also donations, to each person who thought of our cats, and after doing their own shopping, came to us with food and litter for our cats, and did it with a smile on their face!
Like at the Oscars we´d like to give special thanks to a volunteer Rosa and her friends who raised between them 80€ and to Raquel Diaz and colleagues , who donated food - and to everyone - THANK YOU.
We want to make this an Aldea Felina tradition so be sure to join us next time when we collect this much needed support for our cats – if we don’t see you with your donation before, be sure to visit us next year when we run our campagin again - in August 2022!