Today we bring you a #HAPPYENDING. A story to melt your heart.

In May we received the traumatic news that a cat had run over, in the area of Avenida de Alicante, in Denia. PAMELA, as we named her, was found in a very bad condition. She had a broken hip and a displaced jaw. It was obvious that she was an older cat, which complicated everything even more.
Despite her injuries, keeping to our motto of doing all we can before we decide an animal is beyond help, we committed ourselves to help her, if she had the strength to survive (the treatments and necessary medical procedures). When a cat comes to us with bad injuries, we do not know if they are domestic or wild. The aftercare of a wild cat, who will not allow a human to treat them, or be near them, can mean disaster for a good recovery. Fortunately, Pamela is a very lovely cat, she endured us putting her through several surgeries, there were also many complications, but she did not give up. She even had to have a leg amputated so that she could walk better again. On several occasions we were on the verge of throwing in the towel and putting her to sleep ... but as she is a fighter, she kept going! Since coming into our care, she has been under the care and support of the Aliaga clinic in Moraira and La Marina in Denia, where she has been living all this time under the supervision of Ana, a passionate vet dedicated to animals, especially cats in need of help.

Since the beginning of this journey we always hoped to find her family. As time went on, the hope disappeared. What we didn't expect, was that by chance one of our collaborators, Elisa, recognised Pamela from an old advert in a Facebook group, of a cat that had been lost at the end of March in Baix la Mar. It was the same cat! Pamela – her real name is PEPITA! and her owners were still looking for her!!!! Yesterday, full of emotion, we returned Pepita to her family and she immediately started purring. Now she is finally back with her family, after all her adventures.
This story has filled us all with happiness. It has also given us a boost, renewing our strength to carry on with our work, which is sometimes so difficult and even misunderstood. We couldn't be happier for Pepita and her family, and because of situations like this we will continue to fight for the cats who need us.
Naturally the many operations and months of medications and care, travelling to and from the clinics and time invested in Pepita have produced large costs for our association. That is why we continually ask for the public’s support, to enable us to save the lives of cats. Every donation we receive keeps our association running, rescuing, neutering and caring for hundreds of cats every year. Aldea Felina says a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who has donated over the years – you make the difference!