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ALDEA FELINA - Donaciones: Sabadell IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725 BIC: BSAB ESBB XXX

Important announcement about the Escollera

After several meetings and inquiries, we have managed to clarify that for now, no extraordinary action will be taken against the rats in the breakwater. In the case of the other areas in Denia, the City Council assures us that the treatments are carried out periodically throughout the year and by means of baits that only affect rodents. Hopefully all the rules are met and there are no risks for the rest of the population.

We have heard rumours that they want to put POISON against the rats in the breakwater. From Aldea Felina we are trying to clarify the situation, since that area does not depend on the City Council but on the Ports.

It is true that the number of rats has increased in this and other areas of Denia. But distributing poison indiscriminately is not the solution and is a great risk to the environment. It will affect the cats who live there and the seabirds. In addition, the jetty is a public space, where people walk with their children and dogs. Putting poison is very dangerous, and also does not give a city like Dénia, a good name.

We hope it can be avoided, instead of having to regret it later. Share please this worrying news.

Thank you to Belen for the photos

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