This cat was stuck in the tree

A few days ago a cat climbed to the top of a pine tree, in a street in Las Marinas in Dénia. Several concerned people had contacted our Association worried about this cat. Over the weekend we could not do anything but reassure the owner and do our best to organise a rescue. On Monday we were on red alert for strong winds. Unbelievably, the poor cat managed to stay put during the bad weather, clinging to the tree branches, which were swinging from side to side! Yesterday we finally managed to the fire service involved, however, after more than an hour trying to coax the cat to come down, they had to leave. By the end of the failed rescue mission, the cat was higher up the tree than before. But, we had run out of time and she her strength. We wondered what more we could do, as it got dark.
On awaking this morning, we became the great news that the cat was at the door of her house – calling for her owner! This horrible adventure had for everyone a happy ending – thank goodness.