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ALDEA FELINA - Donaciones: Sabadell IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725 BIC: BSAB ESBB XXX

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Welcome to our news section. Here you can read about all the activities we are involved in, keep up to date with our association and current isssues, find out how many cats we have rescued, helped, found new home for and much more. Please feel free to share these articles with your friends and colleagues, using the social media links. All these articles are also on our Facebook page.

Articles are written in Spanish and English, most also in German. Scroll past the Spanish text to reach the other languages.

3 Dec 2020

Visit us in Aldi! We are only at the beginning of our August Food Donation campaign and have already received just over 150kgs of cat food, both dry and wet.

3 Dec 2020

After the great success of last weekend, we will be again at our collection point this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00.

14 Nov 2020

…I am 10 years old and this is my story.

I lived happily in my house, going outside, exploring my garden and enjoying visiting the streets and houses in my neighbourhood. But, one year ago, my owner passed away and my life changed completely.

3 Nov 2020

With this story, my sister and I hope to find a new home where we can live together either as outdoor cats (on the countryside or traffic-calmed area) or in a secured large garden.

25 Sep 2020

Have you found a cat? Do you need help?  This is a very hard season for us. A very high number of cats and kittens in need of help are being found. We are under great pressure to help find solutions for each poor animal. Find out more here

22 Sep 2020

We are thrilled to tell you the campaign was a great success! We are very grateful to all those people who helped by purchasing products from our wish list from the supermarkets.

28 Aug 2020

This weekend we finished our August campaign with a stand in Masymas supermarket, La Xara. We will be there on Friday from 18:00 to 20:00, Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 and Sunday from 12:00 to 14:00.

7 Aug 2020

Collaborate with our food collection campaign in Dénia's supermarkets for the month of August. We start in Carrefour in Denia this weekend!

31 Jul 2020

On Wednesday, we received information that someone had left this basket of kittens next to the rubbish bins near the crane company in the Denia industrial estate..... We Need You!