A cry for help was a cry to late

One morning we received a kitten about 2 months old, who had fallen into a bucket of plastic paint on a building site. As you can see in the photo he was in a very bad condition, desperate and meowing non-stop. We knew his chances were not great, even so, we hoped we could save him and we tried everything.
After sedating him, so he wouldn't suffer, we worked for hours to slowly remove most of the paint that had stuck to his fur, covering it completely. Once the paint was off, we waited for him to recover, hoping we had done enough. Our president and vet, Luisa, was guarding him all afternoon and evening, keeping him warm and administering serum and vitamins. He was very weak, did not want to eat and unfortunately, his last strength left him. We lost our battle to save him and he lost his battle to survive.
This is a very sad story for all of us, but we must not forget that we save many cats and kittens throughout the year. Everything we can do, we try, no matter how desperate the situation might seem. Our important work, to which Aldea Felina dedicates all its time and resources, continues each fight, because every outcome is unknown until we get there.
To do this work, we rely on you, as cat lovers, to collaborate, so we can stop these kinds of things happening. Castrate your cat, contact us about uncastrated street cats and donate to enable us to pay our bills, so we can administer every possible chance to each life who crosses our path.

please donate and help our cats using one of these options
Bank Transfer
Transfer reference: A day in the life
Asociación Protectora Animales Aldea Felina Dénia
Banco de Sabadell
IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725
Donate in person
You can also give your donation to the following collection points:
Aldea Felina 2nd hand shop
Ave de Jaime 1-23, Els Poblets
Our shelter Aldea Felina
in Denia
Vet clinic La Marina
in Denia, Calle Rap
Deutsche Freunde von Aldea Felina
Deutsche Spender können eine Spendenbescheinigung erhalten, wenn sie ihre Zuwendung an unseren Partner „Deutscher Förderverein für den Tierschutz in Europa e.V.“ überweisen und dabei ihre Kontaktdaten hinterlassen. Danke!
Ihre Spende wird ohne Abzug an Aldea Felina weitergeleitet.
Stichwort: „Ein Tag im Leben“
Spendenkonto: IBAN: DE60 3955 0110 0005 4063 92
SWIFT: SDUEDE 33 XXX bei der Sparkasse Düren.