Aruba - let us introduce you to this tabby sweetheart

In May of this year Aruba appeared in the garden of a house in the Montgó, limping and searching for help. The municipal animal collection service of Dénia was notified and picked up the poor kitten, transferring her to the emergency clinic La Marina.
During her first assessment, the vets found an open fracture on her right tibia and fibula bones. We have no idea she was suffering with this terrible trauma, the bones sticking through her skin and naturally she had infected wounds. After the x-rays were taken it was clear to see she had also dislocated her right femur. This was not good news and very serious, with a consideration to amputate the leg. Aruba however had other ideas! As a young and affectionate cat who showed us she wanted to keep fighting for her life and limb we decided to find the best possible solution for her while saving her leg.
Treatment was started to improve her general condition and we contacted the veterinary clinic Aliaga in Teulada, who specialise in traumatology and always offer us their help in these cases. After assessing her and weighing up her options, Aruba underwent a complicated operation on 11th May with the goal to save her leg. The vet was able to relocate her dislocated shoulder. The bone protruding from her leg was cleaned and moved into place. She was fitted with external fixation rods, which she will have to wear for at least two months, until her bones grow back, fuse together and give her the ability to put pressure on her leg and stand on it. The surgeon is very happy with the operation and his results, so we keep our fingers crossed for a good healing process and recovery.
But there is more news. Unfortunately, during her stay at the clinic we also discovered Aruba has respiratory problems. She developed a bilateral pneumonia, a consequence of the Strongyloides parasites larvae she was suffering from. She has undergone several treatments to improve her health so we are hopeful she will also be able to fight this problem.
Since Aruba came into our lives, she has spent her time between overnight stays in the clinic and in her foster/quarantine home. We are very pleased she has a loving family to look after and give her all the love and special care she needs to be happy and recover successfully. It is a long process but we all have the patience she needs to help her through her time of healing.
Of course, all of the treatments until now and the estimated future treatments to support Aruba through her ordeal, including the surgeries, medicines and check-ups amounts to a lot. In total we foresee at least 1.200 euros in bills alone. Fortunately we can give our love and as expertise as volunteers for free.
As you know, at Aldea Felina we help the cats we take in. We are reliant on your private donation. Solely and exclusively thanks to the funds we receive through your donations can we continue to bring these precious animals back to the fit and healthy life they deserve.
That is why we have to appeal again to your generosity and support. We only publish the special cases, which are an extraordinary effort for us and whose story touches our hearts the most. Of course, all our cats are special, and to visit those waiting to be adopted you only need to make an appointment to visit us.
As you can see here, our work is never done and is not possible without your help. Please help Aruba and donate as little or as much as you can to this worthy cause. We will update you again soon with her progress and by following our project you can see how much support we receive as we regularly update our donation total.
We thank you, and Aruba thanks you, for your kind heart.
Aruba, before we could catch her and change her world for the better
Arubas' expenses
Raised for her
please donate and help our cats using one of these options
Bank Transfer
Transfer reference: special cats
Asociación Protectora Animales Aldea Felina Dénia
Banco de Sabadell
IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725
Donate in person
You can also give your donation to the following collection points:
Aldea Felina 2nd hand shop
Ave de Jaime 1-23, Els Poblets
Our shelter Aldea Felina
in Denia
Vet clinic La Marina
in Denia, Calle Rap