Save our shelter
Hit by the storm! While preparing to renovate our already broken shelter, we suffered flooding, chaos and structural damages. Now we must work fast to save our house and are asking for your help - now more than ever.
After extending the outside living area for our cats during the summer, just a few weeks ago, we made a list of all the things we would need to do, to repair our old, tired shelter, which is falling down around us. We are living in the old RENFE railway house, with the permission of the Denia town council, who in the year 2000 agreed we could look after the homeless cats for the community of Denia here. Of course, without funding or facilities of any kind from them.
Since the beginning we have been talking to the town hall and patiently waiting for a new shelter, where we could be legally able to do our job, with a licence, water, electric, storage facilities and a toilet. More than 15 years later, having no support from them for our dedicated work, we took the decision to renovate ourselves. We must - it is dangerous to ignore the state of repairs needed. While preparing the list of jobs to do, we were battered by the winds and rain in the storm last week. Luckily none of our cats have been harmed. They were scared and wet, but coping well with the situation and with our help, calming down again.
Now after assessing the damage left by the storm, we have even more to do. But our biggest worry is the roof of the house. We have a big hole now, in a weak roof which was already in need of repair, the tiles are old, damaged and unsafe. We have managed to close temporarily the large hole, but need to replace it completely now. It is unsafe to continue in this house with such structural weaknesses. Inside the rooms water ran down the walls and over the floors, into the cages and onto the furniture.
Storm damage
What lies ahead for us?
The job now in front of us means we need your help. We will not manage this alone, and hope you will support us in our time of need, during this crisis.
This means spending lots of time and money renovating, fixing and replacing everything that has been our home during these hard working years. The complicated part about this work is doing it while the cats are living there. We have no option but to work around them, as we have no other place to rehouse them, while the work is going on. But we will manage!
We have to invest in this destroyed building and bring it to a standard deserving of the job it needs to do: protect our cats and provide them with a temporary home while they are waiting to be adopted. Some of our unadoptable cats live permanently with us and they deserve the best we can give them.
Some of the manual labour will be provided by our volunteers, but some of the work needs to be done by professionals, to ensure the safety of all who visit the shelter. For us to achieve our goal, we are asking you, as a friend of Aldea Felina and also those cat lovers we have not had the pleasure to meet, to help us reach our target by donating.
Together we can do it!
Lots of work to do:
- a new roof to keep the building weather protected and our cats safe
- the wire roof over the outside areas. It is weak and destroyed from the years of sun and wind
- new fencing to divide the different living zones outside
- repairing/replacing the quarantine cages
- replacing broken window frames and doors
- repainting and tiling of inside rooms
- removing the old shelving, rebuilding the food and bedding storage areas
- replacing the medical cupboards
- buying new brooms, mops and cleaning materials for each area
For this work we need to find at least € 20,000.
The largest costs for us will be to replace the roof of the house, where our kittens, new residents and sick cats live. We are asking for estimates for the repairs and are asking the town hall to help us, as it will be an expensive renovation. After so many years of not supporting our work or shelter, we do not expect a positive answer - and certainly not a quick one. We have no time to wait, winter is coming, so is the rain, and we cannot continue in these conditions.
Denia town council provided us with the building and have allowed us to use it all these years, but they have never supported the maintenance or running costs of it in any way. Let's hope this time they see our desperate need for help and take action.
These pictures show you the conditions we have been (and are still) living with, waiting for the town hall to actively make a decision about our future and provide us with a licensed rescue shelter.
old and broken
Every Euro makes a difference
YOU make the difference!
Our dream is to see this circle reach 100% as quickly as possible, so we can cover the expenses of all the bills we need to pay.
We ask you to please, give as much as you can, so we can fix our shelter and make it a home to be proud of.
Every Euro you donate goes 100% into this project.
Our target

Donations received
All our cats say "thank you to everyone who has donated"
A special thank you... to you
By donating € 500 or more to this project, our cats will display your name on the wall of their new sleeping house on a special plaque. Of course, every donation we are extremely grateful for, and a big thank you to everyone will be given after all the work is finished, when we celebrate the completion of the renovations.
♥ NOVATAX Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
♥ Iris y Thilo
♥ Royal Canin Iberica S.A.
♥ Marion y Marcel
♥ Ursula
♥ Ana
♥ Tanja y Axel
♥ Nicole y Christian
From all the cats and volunteers at Aldea Felina
Thank you for taking the time to read about our special project and we hope you will follow our success…. and be a part of it… with your donation. Below are various options to ensure your donation reaches us.
Donations of building materials, your time and skills are also very welcome. More hands make light work. Please get in touch with us here: and let us know what you can offer.
Donation options
Bank Transfer
Transfer reference :: save our shelter
Banco de Sabadell
ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725
Donate in person
You can also give your donation to the following collection points:
Aldea Felina 2nd hand shop
Ave de Jaime 1-23, Els Poblets
El refugio Aldea Felina
Els Poblets/Denia
Deutsche Freunde von Aldea Felina
Deutsche Spender können eine Spendenbescheinigung erhalten, wenn sie ihre Zuwendung an unseren Partner „Deutscher Förderverein für den Tierschutz in Europa e.V.“ überweisen und dabei ihre Kontaktdaten hinterlassen. Danke!
Ihre Spende wird ohne Abzug an uns weitergeleitet.
Stichwort: „Retten Sie unser Tierheim“
Spendenkonto: IBAN: DE60 3955 0110 0005 4063 92
SWIFT: SDUEDE 33 XXX bei der Sparkasse Düren.
extension project
Read about this we completed in the summer of 2019
The pictures tell a story of success before the storm crashed down upon us