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ALDEA FELINA - Donaciones: Sabadell IBAN: ES20 0081 1142 9900 0119 5725 BIC: BSAB ESBB XXX

Cats died in the gardens of the Torrecremada park!

After so much time, all the tests have now been done on the cats that were found dead in los huertos de Torrecremada. The University of Murcia submitted the official report, which determines that the cause of death of cats was not a poisoning, as we suspected at first. The animals presented lesions in their thoracic cavity, due to a very aggressive bacterial infection that caused them a rapid death. We assumed that some of the users of the gardens found the corpses and hid them in that area. Fortunately, no more deceased animals have reappeared there, and those that are in the colony are in good health at this time and have just been internally dewormed for the summer.

Last Sunday two cats were found dead in strange circumstances in the private gardens of the park. The week before we also found a dead cat in the same place. The corpses were placed under a water tank, in the restricted access area of ​​the park, in the private gardens. A complaint has been filed with the Local and National Police and we await the results of the autopsy, to determine the cause of the deaths, which we know was NOT NATURAL.

These poor cats belonged to the colony of the area, which has been cared for by our Association over the past few months. We have castrated 17 cats in this colony and installed food and water containers, to ensure the cleanliness of the park and improve the living conditions of the cats living there. We know that the person responsible for killing these cats is someone who visits the gardens. We ask for your collaboration to help us identify this person and ensure they get the punishment they deserve.

Please send any information you have about this to . Thank you for your help.

We are showing you these pictures because we feel it is important that everyone in our local community is aware of what is happening. We apologise if these images are upsetting.

Please do not contact us over Facebook or messenger about this, only email. We cannot cope with the work we are having to do caring for the cats in our community. We need urgently new volunteers to join our association.

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